Project Nucleus

World Setup

Nucleus Theme

Thousands of years ago, a cataclysmic event left the world in a state of disarray. Storms, earthquakes, and disease ravaged the planet. This event not only altered the Earth, but all who survived the Cataclysm as well. Whatever happened… it changed humanity forever. Over the ages, humans adapted to their new physiology – becoming something different entirely: Posthumans. Mutated and connected to the Earth - the connection between humankind and the planet has never been stronger. The people that survived eventually migrated to what is now known as Nucleus – humanity’s last bastion. What remains of humanity lives within the walls of Nucleus; A massive eco-urban expanse built into the cliffs. It spans from the water on the shore below, to deep underground, and up into the sky. Nucleus is humanity’s haven from the world around them. A desolate, ruined world filled with danger and unknown perils. The city is enormous, so it’s civilians rely on water and wind-based public transportation. Boats, canoes, blimps, cable cars, and animals are the primary modes of transport. Though humanity survived the Cataclysm, much is unknown about the old world. Almost all physical and digital information was destroyed those many years ago. The only semblance of what came before are the stories passed down over the centuries from the Ancestors – those who survived. Venturing out past the boundaries of Nucleus is strictly forbidden, unless sanctioned by the Confab – the city’s governing body led by the mayor (Venus?). The inhabitants of Nucleus say machines live out beyond the city. They’re called Synths and no one alive has ever seen one in person. They all say the Synths are evil and that anyone who has ever seen them has never lived to tell the tale. However, some suggest the Synths know more about the history of humanity than the posthumans in Nucleus do…

General Plot

We find our heroes living separate but connected lives within the city. Taya, an affluent but rebellious teenager lives high in the Stems – the more opulent part of Nucleus. Meanwhile Taya’s best friend Ackee lives further down in Aquaria, near the water. When the two aren’t in school, they’re getting into trouble somewhere. Taya’s older cousin, Rick – a very stubborn Nucleus security official, is often the one who catches them. Rick is also the one who protects them from the wrath of their parents. One time, Taya and Ackee got caught by Nucleus Security sneaking out of the city looking for adventure and were brought directly to the mayor. They were in BIG trouble. Luckily, Rick intervened and was able to get them out of the punishment they were so close to receiving. Venus always did have a hard time challenging Rick… Taya and Ackee are extremely curious about the ancient world. So much is unknown about the Cataclysm and how humankind became what it is now… these mysteries drive the friends’ curiosity and rambunctiousness. All they want is to learn. One day, Taya and Ackee are at their favorite café in the city with their friend Red talking about how they wish they could see the rest of the world and learn about the Earth in ways they can’t inside Nucleus. Red thinks they’re crazy, he never really wondered too much about the outside world, as he was always too caught up in his family matters. A patron at the café sitting near the trio overhears their conversation… she introduces herself to the friends and invites herself into the conversation. Her name is Willow and she’s a former schoolteacher. All Willow wants is to get the hell out of Nucleus because she’s tired of living in the Doldrums district and wants to move on. Her husband disappeared years ago, and she’s mourned his loss ever since. With Willow a part of the conversation, the group begins to plan a way out of the city. Taya and Ackee reluctantly agree to include Willow and a plan forms. Red doesn’t want to go on this adventure – he’s worried about the ramifications, so he declines the call of adventure. A few weeks go by, due to planning and preparing and then something odd happens. An ancient human arrives at the city… an un-altered, original human who claims they’ve been asleep for thousands of years. This man calls himself a scientist. The Scientist is welcomed to the city with applause by the population and taken directly to the Confab, where they question and celebrate him. Our group of heroes are suspicious though… why is the Scientist here? How are they here? How did they survive all those years? What do they want? These questions only further fuel the groups desire to leave Nucleus and find their answers. Even Red is so curious, that he can’t help but feel like he needs to join them on their journey. And so, the group executes their plan and escapes the city. Just as they make it outside the walls, they’re greeted by a shadowy figure who tells them to turn back. This figure steps out of the shadows and reveals himself to be Rick. Rick knew all about their plan. He tries to stop them and threatens to report them, but he can’t deny his suspicions about the Scientist – so he joins them. Just like that, our heroes venture into the wilds to unravel the mysteries of the ancient world, the Scientist, and even the Synths. Later in their journey, the group stumbles across another posthuman… a child. A very small child who is mute and accompanied by a giant squirrel. They’re incredibly perplexed by their discovery. Who is this child? Where did he come from? How has he survived? Moreover, where the hell did this giant squirrel come from and why is it so attached to this child? Somehow, Willow can understand this squirrel - she doesn’t know why or how, but she vaguely understands it. She can’t get all the answers the group wants, but she does infer that the squirrel is friendly and that it looks after the small boy. They decide to call the kid Acorn and the squirrel… Squirrel. Acorn and Squirrel join the fellowship and add a whole new component of mystery and levity to their quest. Even further into their adventure, the gang gets into trouble and is saved by someone… or something. They couldn’t see what or who it was, but they know that it deliberately saved them. This figure would eventually become know as The Hybrid.


Cold Reads

Cafe Scene

Escape Scene

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